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Luke 17.26-37  2 Thessalonians 1.7-10  1 Thessalonians 4.15-17 Mark 13.1ff  Matthew 24.16ff
 History is not haphazard or cyclical; it is moving towards a specific point - the return of Jesus Christ to judge and rule over the earth...1 Thessalonians 5.2 and this is the season/time [Ecclessiastes 3.1]. As Peter said in his second letter chapter three verse ten, it will be the day God begins to judge the earth. it will be sudden and terrible for those who do not believe in Him...Maranatha. But if we are morally clean and spiritually alert, it won't come as a surprise.  Other prophetic pictures of this day of the Lord are in Isaiah 34.4; Joel 3.15, 16; Matt.24; Mark 13; Luke 21 and Revelation 6.12-17.
You realize that the earth is going to be burnt up soon...put your confidence now in what is lasting and eternal; do not be bound to earth and its pursuits and treasures, piling up possessions. Begin to pursue and develop your relationship with the Judge's Son, Jesus Christ.

However, God's purpose for people is not destruction and that's why He has sent me with a message to herald His return. His purpose is to re-create...Isaiah 66.22, but for the faithful, there is a glorious picture of rich reward. On this day of the Lord, every height of rebellion will be annihilated.

                                                                             Image result for scenes of left behind movie

I was told that the day and time will be the outworking of God the Father. Timing is important as King Solomon said. The secret to peace with God is to discover, accept and appreciate God's perfect timing. The danger is to doubt or resent God's timing. Be ALERT or you will be Left Behind. Indecision is a fatal decision.


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