No. 666


The meaning of number six six six has been discussed more than that of any other part of the Book of the Bible. Revelation  unfolds God’s end-time plan for the culmination of Christ return. The three sixes have been said to represent many things including the number of a man or the unholy trinity of satan, the first beast and the false prophets. Number six is the number of man because man was created on the sixth day. On the seventh day, God rested from all His work. Number 6 falls short of Number 7 and if the number seven is considered to be the perfect number in scripture, three sevens represent complete perfection. Then, the No. 666 falls completely short of perfection of God’s purpose. Whatever specific application the number is given, the number symbolizes the worldwide dominion and complete evil of this unholy trinity designed to undo Christ’s work and overthrow Him…Revelation 13:16-18… Also he compels all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead [signifying allegiance to the beast], and that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let the person who has enough insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the [imperfect] number of a man; [a]and his number is [b]six hundred and sixty-six.    

This mark of the beast is designed to mock the seal that God places on His followers…Revelation 7:2, 3. God’s seal is placed on the foreheads of His servants, the seal is the exact opposite of the mark of the beast. These two marks places people in two distinct categories; those owned by God and those owned by satan. A seal on a document identifies and protected its contents. Just as God marks His people to save them, so satan’s beast marks his people to save them from the persecution that satan will inflict upon God’s followers after rapture. Identifying this particular mark is not as important as identifying the purpose of the mark. Those who accept it show their allegiance to satan, their willingness to operate within the economic system he promotes and their rebellion against God. To refuse the mark means to commit oneself entirely to God, preferring death to compromising one’s faith in Christ.

In every generation, believers need to maintain a healthy skepticism about society’s pleasures and rewards. In our educational, economic and civil structures, there are incentives and rewards. Cooperating Christians must always support what is good and healthy about our society, but we must stand against sin. In some cases, such as satan’s system, the structure becomes so evil that there is no way to cooperate with it. Those who worship the beast, accept his mark and operate according to his world economic system will ultimately face God’s judgment. Our world values money, power and pleasure over God’s leadership. To get what the world values, many people deny God and violate Christian principles. All evil in the world is any person, religion, group, government or structure that is opposed to Christ and is the antichrist. We see Apostle John’s theme of worldly power and its ultimate ineffectiveness against God and His people. Evil’s power is on its horizon. Their authority only lasts for one brief moment, symbolizing its brevity and ultimate destruction. When believers become infatuated with the worldly power of movie stars, sports celebrities, political coalitions and world economic forces; when we crave the power and prestige that position , wealth and connections offer, then we become an easy target for satan’s great deception. Worldly power is satan’s trap and the desire for it can turn us away from God.

When satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, his plan was to rule the world through Him. But Jesus refused to do the devil’s bidding. Revelation thirteen introduces to us satan’s [dragon] two evil accomplices: the beast out of the sea and the beast out of the earth. Together, the three evil beings form the unholy trinity in direct opposition to the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. After Jesus refused satan’s deception, he turned to these fearsome beasts. To the beast out of the sea [the antichrist or false messiah], he gives political power. To the beast out of the earth [the counterfeit holy spirit or false prophets], he gives power to do miracles. Beware, both beast work together to capture the control of the whole world. They later unite in a desperate attempt to overthrow God but their efforts are doomed to failure as we see what becomes of them in Revelation 19:19-21 and 20:10.

Dear reader, the devil is not a symbol or legend, he is very real. Originally, he was an angel of God, but through his own pride, he became corrupt and was cast out of heaven. He is the ruler of this world. De-vil is God’s enemy and he constantly tries to hinder His work. But he is limited by God’s power and can do only what he is permitted to do…Job 1:6-2:8. His name, satan means ‘accuser’. He actively looks for people to attack and to pursue believers who are isolated from fellowships. Even though God permits him to do his work in the world, God is still in control. And Jesus has complete power over him because He defeated him when He died and rose again for the sins of everyone. The critical blow to satan came when the Lamb, Jesus Christ, shed His Blood for our sins. The victory against satan is won by sacrifice- Christ’s death is our place to pay the penalty for our sin and the sacrifices we make because of our faith in Him. So as we face the battle with satan, we should not fear it or try to escape from it, but we should loyally serve Christ who alone brings victory. The scriptures say that believers have defeated the accuser by the Blood of the Lamb and by their testimony…Revelation 12:11…And they overcame and conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, for they did not love their life and renounce their faith even when faced with death. Salvation is as close as your own limps and heart. It is not a complicated process-if we believe in our hearts and say with our mouths that Christ is the risen Lord, we will be saved.

Number six six six is any system that is hostile or opposed God. Those inclined to the system the devil offers accept his mark and operate according to his world economic system. Our world values money power and pleasure over God’s leadership and to get what the world values many people deny God and violate Christian principles. This has happened throughout history and as we come close to rapture of the church, the devil begins to step up his tactics and persecutions because he knows that ‘he has little time’. His work has become more intense. Even though the devil is very powerful as we can see by the condition of our world, he is under God’s control. One of the reasons God allows satan to work evil and bring temptation is so that those who pretend to be Christ’s followers will be weeded out from Christ’s true believers. Knowing that the last great confrontation with Jesus is near, satan is desperately trying to recruit as great an enemy force as possible for this final battle. I promise you today, things will not get better according to Apostle John’s revelation.

Soon, the Bride of Christ will be with Him in less than ten years from now; and this will initiate a period of the seven years great tribulation and much suffering. It is not worth living during this period because nothing will seem to matter even the wealth and power many people strive for.  Being caught up with Christ would be the most appropriate decision to make. Because of satan’s hatred for Christ and His people, Apostle Paul tells us that we are in a spiritual battle. In the Christian life, we battle against rulers and authorities – the powerful evil forces of fallen angels headed by the devil who is a vicious fighter. We have a powerful army whose goal is to defeat Christ’s church. So we must engage in struggle until Christ returns. I we need a supernatural power to defeat satan and God has provided this by giving us His Holy Spirit within us and His armor surrounding us…Ephesians 6:13-17. Apostle John says that the war is still waged but the outcome has already been determine. But satan is battling daily to bring more into his ranks and to keep his own from defecting to God’s side. God will not lose the war, but we must make certain not to lose the battle for our own souls by not wavering in our commitment to Christ. A great spiritual battle is being fought and there is no time for indecision because indecision is a fatal decision.

The church is experiencing the No. 666 in a subtle way. Rebellion against God is rampant and because people no longer want to wait for God’s blessings, they have turned to satan to be able to fulfill their greed. And many have their one foot in the church and the other in satan’s camp. Prophet Samuel, addressing King Saul’s constant disobedience towards God, said that the sin of rebellion is like that of witchcraft and disobedience is like worshiping idols…1 Samuel 15.23.  Witchcraft simply put is controlling someone’s life into our choice of direction by using sorcery. Sorcery is the use of power gained from the assistance or control of evil spirits especially divining. Many people especially in the church deny the presence of witchcraft, sorcery, occult and divination but because the Bible says that a witch/wizard should not be allowed to live, then this is true. In both Old and New Testament, we see the Holy Spirit highlighting the practice.

In the days of the early church…Acts 8:9-11, sorcerers and magicians were numerous and influential. They worked wonders, performed healing and exorcisms and practiced astrology. Their wonders may simply have been magic tricks of satan…Matthew 24:24. Their counterfeited power, signs and miracles to deceive and draw a following. Christians have fallen to these and operate with witches from Monday to Saturday and seat in church pews on Sundays with their tithes and offerings. With a powerless congregation and five-fold, it will be difficult to discern satan’s presence among them.

Miracles from God can help strengthen our faith and lead people to Christ, but all miracles are not necessarily from God. Christ miracles were significant not just because of their power but because of their purpose - to help, to heal and to point us to God. The occult have power to do things but their power is from satan – to destroy and lead people away from God and towards himself. If any so-called religious personality draws attention only to themselves, their work is not from God…2 Thessalonians 2:9. Simon in the early church had done so many wonders that some even thought that he was the Messiah; but his power did not come from God…Acts 8:18-24. ‘Everything has a price’ seems to be true in our world of bribes wealth and materialism. Simon thought he could buy the Holy Spirit’s power but Apostle Peter harshly rebuked Him. Why? The only way to receive God’s power is to do what Apostle Peter told Simon to do, repent, ask God for forgiveness and be filled with His Spirit. No amount can by salvation, forgiveness of sin or God’s power. These are only gained by repentance and belief in Christ as savior. In addition, Simon apparently wanted that ability for selfish reasons: to have power to make money and gain prestige. God doesn’t give us abilities to enhance our own lives. He grants us gifts so that we may bring Him glory by building others. When you find yourself wishing for an ability that would put you into the limelight or somehow enrich you personally, check your motives. Instead of sitting around wishing for talents you don’t have, spend time serving God and others with the gifts you do possess.

Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. There is a very thin line between witchcraft, sorcerer, divination and/or powers from satan and those of the Holy Spirit because of their manifestation, unless you are able to discern the Spirit. God’s law forbid sorcery because it is rebellion against Him and His authority. In essence, it is teaming up with satan instead of with God. Sorcery was punishable by death…Exodus 22:18 because it was and is crime against God Himself. To evoke evil powers violated the first commandment to not worship any other god. It is spiritual prostitution to put your trust in mediums [witches and wizard] who consulted familiar spirits. They were put to death in the Old Testament. It was a capital offense…Leviticus 20:6, 27 Deuteronomy 18:10-12. God flatly forbade Israel and us to have anything to do with it because satan is behind occult. Like the Israelites, people today are naturally fascinated by occult practices, horoscopes, fortune-telling, bizarre cults and witchcraft. But satan is no less dangerous today than he was in Moses’ time.

In the Bible, God tells us all we need to know about what is going to happen. The information satan offers is likely to be distorted or completely false. With the trustworthy guidance of the Holy Spirit through the scriptures we don’t need to turn to occult sources for faulty information. Everyone is interested to what the future holds and we often look to others for guidance. I do not know about your part of the nation but in this part of the world, it seems that these practices are part of income generating because they are licensed. But, they call themselves ‘doctors’ or traditional doctors’. The source of information is satan. At least, occult practitioners are fakes whose prediction cannot be trusted. At worst, they are in contact with evil spirits and are thus extremely dangerous. We do not need to look to occult for information about the future.

            I have seen another evil with the occult. Today, many people resolve their differences not in the Court of Law, but in the witches’ offices. Many of the murderers are not behind bars but are operating freely in the offices of the witches and as long as they are tax payers, they are untouchable. The laws governing the land also give them a freeway since it is impossible to prove beyond reasonable doubt that such a criminal offense is committed by a sorcerer. With a burning desire for revenge, the Court of Law would delay the process and many including Christians turn to occult. Ephesus was a center for black magic and other occult practices and many engaged in exorcism and occult practices for profit…Acts 19:18-19. The people cooked up magical formulas to give them wealth, happiness and success in love and marriage. Superstition and sorcery were a commonplace. The church in Ephesus was plagued with these demonic practices such that when Apostle Paul went to minister there, some seven sons of the leading priest saw him drive out demons by the power of God and wanted to have this power too. They bitterly discovered, however, that no one can control or duplicate God’s power. These men were calling on the name of Jesus without knowing Him personally. The power to change people comes from Christ, it cannot be tapped by reciting His name like a magic charm. God works His power through those He chooses. You also cannot be a believer and hold on to the occult. Once you begin to dabble in these areas, you may become obsessed by them because satan is very powerful. But God’s power is even greater…1 John 4:4. If you are mixed up in the occult, learn a lesson from the Ephesians and get rid of anything that could trap you in such practices.

In the time of Israel rebellion, kings were not left behind. They would hire sorcerers because the Word of God through the prophets was rare. King Manasseh was an evil king and he angered God with his sin. Listed among his sins are occult practices – sorcery and divination, consulting mediums and psychics…2 Kings 2:6. These practices demonstrate a lack of faith in God, involve sinful action and open the door to demonic influences. Today, many books, TV shows and games emphasize fortune-telling, séances and other occult practices. Don’t let your desire to know the future or the belief that superstition is harmless lead you into condoning occult practices. They are counterfeits of God’s power and have as their root a system of beliefs totally opposed to God. Prophet Isaiah echoed this law and prophesied of the complete destruction the occult practices would bring to those who participated in them…Isaiah 8:19-22.

Apostle John prophesied that the antichrist will come from the sea…Revelation 13:1. This antichrist is the false messiah and encourages evil lifestyle. This is the man of lawlessness totally opposed to God and His followers. This antichrist is not satan, but someone under satan’s power and control. The antichrist looks like a combination of the four beast that Prophet Daniel saw in a vision…Dan 7. The beast from the sea is against Christ’s standard. Throughout history there has been individuals who epitomized evil and who were hostile to everything Christ stands for. These antichrist have lived in every generation and will continue to work their evil. Then, just before Christ second coming, ‘the man of lawlessness…the one who brings destruction,’ a completely evil man will arise. He will be satan’s tool, equipped with his power…2 Thessalonians 2:3-12… Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the [a]apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed], who opposes and exalts himself [so proudly and so insolently] above [b]every so-called god or object of worship, so that he [actually enters and] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you, I was telling you these things? And you know what restrains him now [from being revealed]; it is so that he will be revealed at his own [appointed] time. For the mystery of lawlessness [rebellion against divine authority and the coming reign of lawlessness] is already at work; [but it is restrained] only until he who now restrains it is taken out of the way. Then the lawless one [the Antichrist] will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth and bring him to an end by the appearance of His coming. The coming of the [Antichrist, the lawless] one is through the activity of Satan, [attended] with great power [all kinds of counterfeit miracles] and [deceptive] signs and false wonders [all of them lies], 10 and by unlimited seduction to evil and with all the deception of wickedness for those who are perishing, because they did not welcome the love of the truth [of the gospel] so as to be saved [they were spiritually blind, and rejected the truth that would have saved them]. 11 Because of this God will send upon them a misleading influence, [an activity of error and deception] so they will believe the lie, 12 in order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe the truth [about their sin, and the need for salvation through Christ], but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness. Lawlessness is the quality or state of not being restrained or controlled by law. This is the deliberate attempt to mock and deny the reality of God’s presence. This man of lawlessness is uncontrollable as the sea. In our part of the world, he calls himself ‘doctor’ to deceive the law makers. But his real name is witch, wizard or sorcerer. Without his magic, many…close to fifty percent of businesses would not thrive and unless by the Spirit of God, you cannot discern Him.

But, it is dangerous to label any person as the antichrist and try to predict Christ’s coming based on that assumption. Apostle Paul mentioned him so we might be ready for anything that threatens our faith. If our faith is strong, we don’t need to be afraid of what lies ahead because we know that this lawless man has already been defeated by God, no matter how powerful he becomes or how terrible our situation seems. God is in complete control. Our task is to be prepared for Christ’s return and to spread the Good News so that even more people will also be prepared. This lawlessness is already at work secretly, the work of antichrist is already at work secretly, the work of antichrist is already going on; something no one can discover but by the revelation of the Spirit of God. Lawlessness is the hidden, subtle, underlying force from which all sin springs. Civilization still has a veneer of decency through law enforcement, education, science and reason. Although we are horrified by criminal acts, we have yet to see the real horror of complete lawlessness. This will happen when the one who’s holding it back steps out of the way. Do a thorough investigation of these ‘doctors’ and their practices and then deny them the licenses to operate. Why will God allow this to happen? To show people and nations their own sinfulness and to show them by bitter experiences the true alternative to the lordship of Christ. People totally without God can act no better than vicious animals. Lawlessness, to a certain extent is already going on and here in, I reveal him [man of lawlessness] by the grace of God’s Spirit. Occult, which is going on unabated, is the No. 666.

During the times of Apostle Paul, they could not know who withheld back the lawless one. But some suggest the government and the law which help to curb evil; the ministry and activity of the church and the effects of the Good News and the Holy Spirit. But in this time as the Holy Spirit purifies the Bride of Christ, He reveals him as part of the church’s purification. I am not a law maker, but I write this revelation plainly so that a runner can carry the correct message to other…’ the witch and sorcerer are not traditional doctors, they are the men/women of lawlessness because they have achieved their licenses by deception. Evil and injustice seem to have the upper hand in the world. Before God can deal with this sin soon, may the judicial system and the law makers include this crime in the constitution?

World power is a world center for idol worship an enemy for God’s people. Our world today also form unholy alliance, an easy alliance because each partner puts their own interest first. Evil world power and all that it represents will be destroyed because the new earth will never know sin. Everything that tries to block God’s purpose will come to a violent end. Many grow rich by exploiting the sinful pleasures of their society. Business and governments are often based on greed, money and power with many bright individuals taking advantage of an evil system to enrich themselves. Believers are warned to stay free from the lure of money, status and the good life. We are to live according to the values Christ exemplified: service, giving, self-sacrifice, obedience and truth.

The powerful, wealthy people of this world are susceptible to this same attitude they are tied to the world system and they will lose everything when it collapses. What they have worked for a lifetime to build up will be destroyed in one hour. Those who work only for material rewards will have nothing when they die or when their possessions are destroyed, then they will turn to the kind of economic system satan offers – occult. So how can a person keep away from the evil system? People must always be considered above the making of money and products. Keep away from pride in your own programs, plans and successes. Remember that God’s Word and will must never be compromised. Do what is right no matter what the cost. Be involved in businesses that provide worthwhile products or services – not just things that feed the world’s desires. When you serve in this way, you will keep away from the mark of the beast. See 1 Timothy 4:1 and 2 Timothy 3:1. The scriptures say that those who reject Christ are unknowing or consciously siding with the spirit of the antichrist.




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