THE 12 HOUR [6 P. M.]
A Seer prophet is one who emphasizes visions and the revelatory gifts verses the audible speaking gifts. A seer will often operate at a slower pace in the delivery of the prophetic word as they describe the pictures and images in their mind. The seer type relies heavily upon the presence of God and angelic visitation to initiate the revelatory realms. When giving prophetic words the seer will often begin by saying, “I see…”. His anointing qualifies him to be a watchman to the nations.
I’m glad to reveal that the 12th Hour started at the beginning of the month of May, 2023. From this hour, the world will be marked by darkness as it progresses in the coming years. The darkness we will witness is not physical but spiritual – lack of light of the Word of God. On the 15th June 2023, at 11:30 a. m., I lay on my bed when the Spirit of Jesus gave me a vision: I was caught in the Spirit and being lifted up, I was taken outside of my house. It was so dark outside such that the rays of the bright light inside my house could be seen through. The rays out of my house were a shining light into the tangible darkness.
In the beginning of the year 2022, I sought to know when the Lord would launch me and He said at 6 pm. Later, He gave me a dream to affirm His answer: my kids and I had washed our clothes. Close to 6 pm., I asked them to collect the clothes because it was getting dark. As I went to close the front door of our house, I noticed some green rubber shoes outside the door. When I turned to ask my spiritual son about them, he attacked me on the head. Then I woke up. This dream came to pass at the beginning of May 2023. Although my spiritual son did not attack me physically, he attacked my mind spiritually by doing things he was not supposed to be doing inside my house... he had spiritually left the door of our house open. This opened a door to 'jezebel' attacks on my mind. This hour of darkness will continue to get darker and the only light to be revealed is the Lord Jesus at Rapture. Therefore, when I begin to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, it will be the light shining in the darkening world. And this is the time.
A few years ago, the Spirit of Jesus told me that many preach about the kingdom of darkness and others preach about the Kingdom of Heaven. But no one hardly preach about the Kingdom of God. Therefore, I needed to preach and teach about the Kingdom of God. Prophet Hosea said, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children… Hosea 4:6. Throughout the Bible, the Word ‘darkness’ is used as a symbol of ignorance while the word ‘light’ represents knowledge. Therefore, the knowledge revealed to me about the Kingdom of God is the only light into the darkening world. Then Christ will come… Matthew 24:14, “And this good news of the kingdom (the Gospel) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end”.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8, Apostle Paul tells us that Christ will intervene directly and dramatically in world affairs. After blessing and judging, He will set up His eternal Kingdom. This is the right time to come to the true knowledge of this Kingdom. Jesus was very specific, he emphasized on ‘this’ goods news of the Kingdom because He knew we would preach on everything else apart from the gospel of the Kingdom of God. We cannot live on earth as a believer unless you have a mental transformation by the Holy Spirit. The message of the Kingdom of God is heaven history on the earth. Preaching ‘born again’ is not enough. Everywhere I go, I continue to hear the gospel being preached about everything else except…the gospel of the Kingdom of God!
You know about the cross, the blood of Jesus, the power of God, live right and holy; the devil has no problem with that, but with your understanding the Kingdom of God. The message of the Kingdom is not religion. Calvary is not the Kingdom, it is the means to the KOG, “Unless a man is born again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God”. Preaching born again is not enough. Christ said you have to be keen on how you listen; satan is keen that you do not understand the Kingdom of God and therefore, you cannot appropriate it. Jesus simply preached that the Kingdom is here, now; the Kingdom has arrived. The religious have taken the ‘born again ‘ message and made it into a religion. In John 3:3 is the only place it is mentioned in the Constitution [the Bible is a legal document belonging to the Kingdom of God]. Jesus never taught His disciples about being born again. You are not able to appropriate the message you keep ignoring.
The kingdom of darkness then, is a domain where its king [satan is the god of this world] rules by ignorance. But the Kingdom of God is the domain where the King’s representative [the Holy Spirit] reigns in the saints through knowledge: to dominate. Therefore, satan rules his kingdom of darkness by keeping his subjects in ignorance of true nature of their environment and of the existence of the Kingdom of God – he fills their heads with lies and deception – he controls his subjects by keeping them in the dark regarding spiritual truth. Their minds are blinded lest they understand the glorious good news of Jesus and His Kingdom of God… 2 Corinthians 4:4. The only knowledge, both in the world and the Church that is varied until the return of Christ is the message of the Kingdom of God.
In contrast to the darkness of ignorance, light symbolizes Knowledge. The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of light, the Light of the knowledge of the Lord. Proverbs 1:7 says, “The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline” [emphasis mine]. In this Verse, the word fools refers to ‘people who are morally deficient’. God’s Kingdom of light brings the knowledge of grace, forgiveness, and salvation in Christ - dominion. In his letter to the believers in the city of Colosse, Paul wrote of God as “…the Father, who has qualified you to share in the Inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For He Has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the Kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins”… Colossians 1:12-14. Darkness and light - ignorance and knowledge - are opposites that exist in continual conflict with each other. We either walk in the darkness of ignorance or in the light of knowledge. The two cannot coexist.
I have made it clear that there are two kingdoms with which we must deal on a daily basis. One is a counterfeit kingdom of darkness controlled by a false prince who rules by the power of deception and enforced ignorance. The other is the true and legitimate Kingdom ruled by the King of kings and Lord of lords, who rules by the power of light, knowledge, and truth. God’s plan is to restore His original design to rule the visible earthly realm from the invisible heavenly realm. This plan is accomplished through human beings who properly exercise their dominion over the earth. In order for us to fulfill our destiny we must overthrow satan from the throne of the earthly domain he seized illegitimately.
From a spiritual standpoint, this has already happened Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ: “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s Work”… 1 John 3:8b. Jesus’ death on the cross broke sin’s power forever; His Resurrection from the grave conquered death for all time: “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your Sting”? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the Law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ”… 1 Corinthians 15:55-57. In a practical sense, from the beachhead established at Calvary, we must move forth in an all-out attack to free mankind from bondage to the devil and his evil kingdom of darkness. We who are in Christ must work to eliminate the ignorance of those still trapped in the darkness of satan’s deceptions. Knowledge comes through truth and truth brings liberation. If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed… John 8:31-32; 34-36.
The kingdom of darkness gets its power from that which we do not know – our ignorance. The truth we are ignorant of cannot protect us against satan’s deception. This is why we devote ourselves to studying, learning, experiencing and practicing the Word of God. The light of knowledge of the Kingdom of God dispels the darkness of deception and ignorance. The light of truth destroys the darkness of lies and error.
It is important to know the difference between what the world calls knowledge and the true knowledge of the Kingdom of God. The Bible teaches that all of us, as descendants of Adam and Eve and spiritual heirs to their sinfulness, are born as children of darkness. This means that we are born in ignorance. Even as we grow, and no matter how much education we receive, our fundamental ignorance remains until it is removed in Christ. No matter how smart we are and no matter how many degrees or titles we may carry after our name, until we come to know God through faith in Christ and begin to obey His Word, we remain in the darkness of spiritual ignorance. Without spiritual enlightenment of the divine truth of Christ, all other knowledge ultimately is irrelevant.
Knowledge unenlightened by the truth of God is dark Knowledge. We may have a B.S., an M.S., and a Ph.D., but without the Lord all we have is dark information. It may be sufficient to help us navigate in the world of darkness, but by itself will never lead us to the truth. Apart from the revelation of the Spirit of God, none of us could ever find our way into the light. Darkly educated people are like those whom Paul described to his young protégé, Timothy, As “always learning but never able to acknowledge the Truth”… 2 Timothy 3:7.
Darkness is the absence of accurate information about God. It is possible to spend a lifetime in the schools of the kingdom of darkness and never see the light. That is why Jesus told Nicodemus, an expert on the Jewish law, that he needed to be born again… see John 3:3. In effect, Jesus said To him, “Nicodemus, you need to start over. What you have learned up to now is no good”. A person of great learning who does not know the Lord is nothing more than a highly educated fool.
The Lord revealed what was paramount for the people of His day – like the salvation of the gentiles! Even by the time Apostle was writing this epistle to the Thessalonians, it would have been untimely for the Lord to reveal to him the day of His return… 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8. But, He has chosen to reveal to us, the end time Church. The King of kings is true and just - to announce Rapture at a quarter past 5pm on the 22nd day of September at the year to be revealed is good enough. We are at the 12th Hour and no one can deny that. The Lord is not waiting to catch us unawares – 45 minutes to His return is good-enough… Verse 4. For God has not appointed us to incur His wrath. He did not select us to condemn us, but that we might obtain His salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah … v9.
The coming of the Lord Jesus is an event that had been foretold as early and way back in Genesis 3:15, “…her Offspring will bruise and tread your head underfoot…”, but all-along the people did not prepare for His coming. Even after sending the herald, still many doubted. The devil recognized the presence of the Lord and tried to kill Him as well as trying to talk Him out of His purpose. The devil even tried to entice Him to serve him instead of His Father in the desert. But the Church is so ignorant of His return such that, many are persecuting me. The Kingdom of darkness is so aware of the culmination of all things: as the day to eternal suffering draws nearer. A man of God told me that I could not be so specific of Rapture timing, has the Lord stopped revealing His plan and purpose?
Therefore, the only way to bring light into the world is by learning, teaching and Proclaiming the Kingdom of God for this is the only message appropriate, to usher the return of Christ… Matthew 24:14. The message of the Kingdom of God is about a King, His Kingdom and His domain. The Kingdom of God is the influence of the King over the territory earth. This is what the Bible is all about. This is what Adam and Eve received… Genesis 1:26, 27. And this is what Jesus restored after the fall in Genesis Chapter Three. We lost the influence of the King [Holy Spirit] on earth but Jesus Christ restored Him after triumphantly conquering the influence of the deceiver on the earth. This is why he rules by our ignorance. Understanding the Kingdom of God is true knowledge. Pursue knowledge!
As you near the end of a long race, your legs ache, your throat burns and your whole body cries out for you to stop. This when friends and fans are most valuable. Their encouragement helps you push through the pain to the finish line. In the same way, the messenger of the message of the Kingdom of God is sent to encourage those who’ve been running and are at a point of giving up: the message of the Kingdom of God is the last lap into the finishing line. Fight and push on!
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