The Last Days' Anointing
Revelation 5:6, “And there between the throne and the four living creatures (beings) and among the elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin] I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God [the sevenfold Holy Spirit] Who have been sent [on duty far and wide] into all the earth”.
In these very last days, the Church looks almost like that of Thyatira; the corrupt assembly of God’s people in the Book of Revelation 2:18ff. This Assembly started well – a prophetic Church – but the pastor’s laxed attitude [‘Ahab’] became an inroad for jezebel’s spirit …Matthew 13:25-30. Just as it is the Lord Jesus’ responsibility to keep or take away the Lampstand, the tares and the wheat will have to grow together until the harvest where those who are more qualified than we, will do the sorting. There will be a final harvest!
Let me paint a picture for you how a corrupt Church looks like: the love, faith, service, patience, endurance and works of this Church are more numerous and great. But, this Church tolerate the woman jezebel - this is a very rebellious spirit ...1 Samuel 15:23. This woman’s spirit claims to be inspired but her teaching leads astray the servants of God beguiling them into practicing sexual vice. The people with this spirit of jezebel actually dabble in witchcraft spells. It is a spirit against the forerunners.
I can go on to expose what is happening in this last day’s Church, but I dont have the time and space. This congregation is very rebellious not only to its leaders but also to the Word of God. 'Jezebel' will never submit to authority and she is very controlling. This spirit will never carry any pregnancy to maturity, it aborts. Where there is a jezebel, there is an ‘Ahab’ and Ahab will never sire any children. And since jezebel is very controling, there is a high exit in this Church. Have you encountered such an assembly?
In these last days, a gross darkness has covered the earth and in the midst of this darkness a great light has arisen …Isaiah 60:2. As darkness sweeps into the Church, the true Church will become smaller, but brighter. It is because all the ‘tares’, the sons of the wicked one, will be blown away; the ‘goats’ will be ‘slaughtered’. They are not just sent away. If they were simply sent away, they would spoil other sheepfold. The tares are bound, removed, and burned …Matthew 13:30; the chaff too, is burned …Matthew 3:12; Luke 3:17. When the remnant Church becomes small, it will also become pure, with great light shining forth from it. It is this small group that has gone through the fire, as predicted by the prophet Malachi 3:2-4.
The remnant Church should now join together one by one so that the intensity of the brightness and the glory will become greater and greater. During the process of separation, purification and refinement, those who have a measure of light, as they are purified, will become much brighter and more glorious. When that happens, God will pour out the last final display of His glory in a manner that the world has never known or seen before. Many true servants of God and true believers will be used by God like bright, glorious, shining stars.
In Luke 19:30 the Lord Jesus said, “Go into the village opposite you, where as you enter you will find a colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Loose it and bring it here”. Like the donkey and its foal that were tied to the doorpost, there are many sincere people; children, youths, and senior citizens in the Church waiting to be used by the Lord. They have never been used before, just like the donkey and its foal. I have good news for such people. All of you will hear the voice of the Lord saying, “Come, your time is now. I have need of you”. Upon such the Lord God will pour out His last days’ anointing and they will do great exploits …Daniel 11:32.
The last day’s anointing is the combination of the former and latter rain – the 7-horn anointing …Haggai 2:9 Elijah flowed in this anointing. The early Church also flowed in this anointing. This is where the Lord will raise the dead through surrendered vessels. The last days’ perfect storm is that which was foretold and described by the apostle Paul as the exceeding greatness of His power …Ephesians 1:17-23. In Revelation 5:6, there is a slain Lamb, It has seven eyes, seven horns - the seven horns and seven eyes are the seven Spirits of God sent forth not just into the Church but into the whole earth.
When the Holy Spirit was first poured out on the day of Pentecost, He came upon one house - the Jews. All the disciples who were gathered in that house belonged to one people group. But in the last days, the second and final Pentecost will be poured out upon all flesh, meaning all over the earth …Acts 2:17; Joel 2:28. This is why the Scriptures say that the seven Spirits of God are being sent out all over the earth, wherever the remnants are.
The horn represents anointing. The power of God is manifested in the horn ...Psalms 92:10. The word ‘horn’ in Hebrew is qeren, meaning: something that is projecting - an elephant’s tusk, ivory, a corner of the altar, a peak of a mountain, a ray of light, power. Strength or power is often represented in the Bible by the horn …1 Samuel 2:10; 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalms 18:2; 89:17.
The Seven Horns are: the power to stand before kings and cause nations to tremble; the power over nature – the power to command it and have it obey; the power to shame God’s enemies and to glorify God’s name; the supernatural empowerment —the power to make the weak strong; the power to work creative miracles; the power to equip God’s army with supernatural abilities; the power to teletransport. There’ going to be a great outpouring of the awesome glory of God before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ at Rapture and before He is back to this earth at the 1000-year millenial.
This is something that has been prophesied by many modern-day prophets, in addition to the biblical prophets. When the wind of the Holy Spirit begins to blow upon the people of God, this great army will arise all over and do great exploits. There is one last great harvest that is going to come accompanied by a final demonstration of God’s great power and glory.
So in these last days, firstly, God wants a people whom He can trust to the uttermost. Secondly, such people will be like the donkey and its foal. A donkey is is nameless and faceless. The last days’ generation must have these two qualities. You should not care for your name. Whether credit is given to you or not, it will not bother you. You are faceless, you don’t want to be seen. You are not interested in parading your name on a tag or social media.
Thirdly, God is looking for people who are selfless. You care only about what you do - whether big or small - you do all the work joyfully. It will be teamwork; each helping one another; lifting up one another. Selfless! The remnant will consist of those who are called by the Lord and who will be filled with the great powers of the age to come, not just a group of ordinary people. Those among the remnant will be hand-picked by the Lord, “Okay, you come; you come”. They will be called and they will be filled with the powers of the age to come – the powers of the 7-Horned Anointing.
What does it take to carry such an anointing? Your consecrated life – it will become a rod in the hand of God - the Lord shall send the rod/scepter of your strength to rule in the midst of your enemies …Psalms 110:2. So you need to totally consecrate your life to Him, the Lord Jesus. Consecrate yourself unto holiness. Walk in love …Ephesians 5:2. Learn to work together with the Cloud of Witnesses …Hebrews 12:1-2 or the spirits of just men made perfect …Hebrews 12:23. If we empty ourselves of pride, vainglory and the knowledge that puffs up, then we will be filled with the 7-Horned Anointings.
Keep to this blog because I will be discussing in 2025 these powers in detail. However, the coming years will be very difficult for the Church. But, if we overcome, our eyes will see, our ears will hear, and our minds will comprehended the great and awesome things that have been prepared for us in these last days. Have a childlike faith and simplicity that all things are possible for God and for him who believes.
Come Lord Jesus!
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