Psalm 24:1, “the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness of it, the world and they who dwell in it” … Exodus 9:29; Psalm 50:12.
In the world today, many, including believers have settled for comfort without a commitment to God. Why is it so tempting to ‘love pleasure rather than God’? Pleasure is something we can control; God cannot be controlled. Most pleasures can be obtained easily; love for the Lord requires effort and sometimes sacrifice. Pleasure benefits us now; the benefits of loving God are often in the future. Pleasure has a narcotic effect; it takes our minds off ourselves and our problems. Love for the Lord reminds us of our needs and our responsibilities. Pleasure cooperates with pride. It makes us feel good when we look good in the eyes of others. To love the Lord, we must lay aside our pride and our accomplishments. Have you chosen to love pleasure or to love God? How do you know?
Like the world, the Church is also chasing after whatever her itching ears want to hear; she has rejected the truth about the imminent return of Jesus at Rapture to chase after myths. The other day, while a preacher was preaching, he asked a rhetoric question, “I hope none of you is in the Rapture committee”? After the service, I went to say hallo and to introduce myself, “I’m the chairman of the Rapture Committee”, I said to Him. This is an indication that the man is not even ready or preparing for the greatest event in the history of the Church. If you act religious but reject the power that could make you godly, you fit in the category that will reject the return of the Lord Jesus for His Bride. God is mastery over time, do not be deceived …2 Peter 3:8ff. Don’t hide behind what Jesus said over 2000 years ago, “Nobody knows the day of my return” because there are much, much less than 2000 days, yes, you heard be right, to Jesus’ return – 2030 is just but a vision for the Church.
You are not ready to greet your Savior if He showed up today. Let me paint a picture for you of a religious person; you go to Church, you know the christian doctrine, you use christian clichés, and follow a community of christian traditions. Such practices can make you look good, but if the inner attitude of belief, love and worship for the Lord are lacking, the outer appearance is meaningless – an indication that you will surely be left behind after the Bride is withdrawn. It may be difficult to differentiate a true citizen of the Kingdom of God at first, but your daily behavior will give you away. These are the dangers of the times we are at. The characteristics described in 2 Timothy 3:2-4 are unmistakable.
All kings are legal owners of property, territory and domain over which they exercise their rulership or dominion. The name Lord in Hebrew means ‘Owner’ …Exodus 19:5 “… for all the earth is Mine”. When the earth was called into being, God, the King was simply extending His domain from the Kingdom of Heaven to the earth. This is what kings do; they conquer more territory. The king’s wealth is measured by the extent of his territory. Therefore, the King of kings had no land to conquer, so He decided to create the earth and put you and me to manage it for Him [Genesis 1:26-28] – the saints are kings on earth; making God the King of kings. If you can understand how kingdoms work, then you would understand the message of the Bible – it is about a King, a Kingdom and the citizens. Jesus did not bring us religion but a Government …Isaiah 9:6, 7. While Jesus was on earth, He kept telling us what His Kingdom is like, “The Kingdom of God is like…”. This makes all of us stewards or caretakers but many of us act as sole proprietors.
On the 21st day of May 2022, I had a revelation in the night [a dream]: many people were in my native home [meaning the earth]. and were all washing their clothes. There were so many clothes on the drying lines. I washed my few clothes too and put them on the lines to dry. But something terrible had happened; our home [representing the earth] was being repossessed and all I could do was to wonder as to who had borrowed money from the bank and what it had been used for without our consent. Shortly before I fell asleep, I had listened to the Book of Revelation over and over again and had asked the Lord a few questions regarding chapters twelve about the woman who had given birth and fourteen about the harvest of the earth; whether it occurred here as imagery or judgment. As I meditated on these things, I fell asleep and received the above dream.
According to my dream, the Lord is saying that there is no time for questions because He is about to repossess what is His; the earth territory, “For the [whole] earth is the Lord's and everything that is in it” …1 Corinthians 10:26. And why does He want to repossess it. Because He is destined to rule together with the saints for a thousand years …Revelation 20:4ff. but first, the earth must be cleansed before the King of kings can set His feet on the earth again. This will all happen immediately after the withdrawal of the Church – the 7-year Great Tribulation Period referred to in Revelation Chapter eight forward. But before then, satan will be put in a prison for the thousand years. Although he will be released from his prison, he will never be released from eternal condemnation. Nothing will stop the culmination of the imminent return of the Lord Jesus for His Bride at Rapture. We must be ready.
At the sound of the last Trumpet call, all that money you have stashed in foreign accounts will be rendered worthless. All those tracks of land that you own will amount to nothing after the Church is withdrawn. The Stock Exchange will not be able to help you. Why do I talk like this? It is because there is very little time left for you to walk in love one more time. The King said that we should put our hearts where our treasures are; in the Kingdom of God. Putting your treasure in any stocks or bank accounts will have you get disappointed. THIS IS NOT A JOKE! And this time line is very generous. Stop and consider your life’s trajectory. Today, it may be inconvenient to take a stand for the Lord Jesus Christ or to tell others about His love and His only varied message of His Kingdom... Matthew 24:14, but this is the only and most important responsibility the saints have before the last Trumpet call.
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